Thursday, August 18, 2011

Biking again and it about time.

A self Portriat

It been a while since I last posted to my blog so I am catching up now. I started back riding my bike on a more regular basis and I been at it for about three weeks now. I put a lot weight so getting it back off is a additional incentive to keep biking. I have a new iphone with bike navigation and workout which I really like. My wife can follow me on the computer where ever I go. She knows where I am riding all the time now. Others can view me as well that are on my approved list to view.

Last week Idid have a big scared while riding my bike. A truck sideswipe me but luckly it was not hard enough to knock me off my bike. I was hit in the side and my mirrow on the bike got hit but did not brreak it. For reason I do not know it made a huge noise when it happen. My side was hurting but after a while the pain went away. The driver did stop to see if I was OK and to help me if I needed it. I was mad a heck about him hitting me but he was very apolgetic so much so I couild stay mad. I was going to call the police but decided against it since I did not see any damages to my bike and only some pain in my side which went away.

Although I am still riding my bike I am now more leary about vehicles approaching me from the rear. Yesterday riding i even got off the road completely because I felt vehicles was getting to close to me at times.

This is a new country road that I have never ridden on before. Hardly any houses on it and is beautiful ride but just not long enough.

A country home at the end of the above road.

Yesterday I rode down to Hanging Rock Battleground. This a battle fought during the revolutionary war. Years ago there used to be a fairly good road by where my bike is parked. The road has since been block and has eroded badly and over grown now. Couldn't even ride my bike on it so I push it to get where this picture was taken.

Another view of the road. It looks fairly good in this picture but believe me it is not serviceable anymore.

A marker has been placed there since the last time I was there back in the eary 1980s. It tells a little about the Battle of Hanging Rock.

I am gradually getting back in shape to ride long distances again. I probably will never be as good as I used to be before my leg injury but I still enyoy riding a bike. Doing a week long bike tour is questionable so I am not looking to try to any of them except maybe for the Katy trail next year.. I hope to do some day tours next year.

Well that all for now folks.

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